S&A Pearls Live Games and Social Links | S&A Pearls Commerce

S&A Pearls Live Games and Social Links

Welcome to S&A Pearls! We strive to have fun and excitement here! We are a family-owned and operated business. Pearl parties by opening Oysters and revealing their beautiful pearls inside! We have plated and Sterling Jewelry. We also make Custom Stainless Tumblers, T-Shirts, Vinyl Signs, and more!

Below are the Games and Special Items we have available for our current live show. You are also able to purchase any jewelry or Oysters openings from our catalog and we will do them live

Live Games:

Bags that are filled with Halloween themed items and a Halloween themed coffee cup. You also get to keep the bag!


This is for pre-ordering the bags. We will announce when the show will be on Facebook. 

